Transform a misunderstood, bargain-brand with a not-so-great reputation into a powerful in-house revenue-driver.
Sportsman’s Warehouse was hoping to not simply refresh the brand, but completely reinvent it. Shake its stigma and build a brand that invites new consumers into the category as well as inspires confidence in long-time enthusiasts.
After implementing the brand essence process and unveiling the “Built True” brand essence, the brand identity was developed and the buffalo mark was introduced. A symbol of American resilience and strength, this mark sets TAPCO (The American Parts Company) apart in a category dominated by more tactical aesthetics.
From there, the brand guidelines were developed and the brand was launched — packaging, eCommerce, social, you name it. TAPCO was established as a complex and distinct brand and is positioned to grow not only the Sportsman’s Warehouse business but the entire firearms category.